Thursday, October 29, 2009

Faith is what keeps me going....

When everythin is sooo busy ... Until recently, I didnt realize that God has given me and everyone else something special. Deep down I knew he had, but I hadnt taken grasp of it and began to live it. You know, God's given us the ability to make choices in every situation. We can choose to be happy or frustrated with life; we can choose to complain about every little thing that we dont expect along the way, or (what seems to be the most difficult) we can simply choose to not only be optimistic but have faith in every situation that comes our way. This isnt just for the happy days, but for the VERY difficult days as well. It's God's gift to us, we can choose to accept it <3 Oh, and by the way, I'm turning in the Physician's Shadowing Program Application for next semester....God's got something AMAZING planned, I can just feel it already :)