Thursday, November 13, 2008

okay, so i left you hanging with the headache

so i went to the doctor and she suggested many different meds to try...i tried various ones, none of them seemed to even made me go really out of it and just completely washed after about maybe a month and a half of trying different ones (Midrin was the only one that helped a little bit) i started to have a new symptom. One morning while i was sitting in class waiting for it to start my vision became blurred and got to the point where i couldnt see out of a little portion of my eye. I immediately called my mom at work and she called my doctor and explained my symptoms to her. The doctor said set me up an appointment with a neurologist. She said that since i had come with this new symptom and was stilll having the very frequent migraines that she was concerned about me.
So, i went to the neuro in march and he bascially blamed the migraines on me. He said that i stress over too much and that i dont know how to have fun....Yeah right! I was so frustrated that he was telling me that it was my fault and that i had caused the migraines. I just wanted to cry because i knew that it wasnt me causing them. Like i said before, i was very happy with my life and yes, maybe a little stressed, but isnt every college student?
Well, he put me on Topomax.....


My Endo Journey said...

I can't stand incompetant Dr's! They make scans and tests for a reason!!! Medicine is NOT a cure all! :( They just don't get it sometimes do they?!

I HATE migraines!