Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This is what I'm thankful for

As I was thinking this morning, I was realizing that this past year (since Nov 08) has been one of the hardest...but you know what I also discovered? It's also been the best by far :) Surgeries for endo, reactions to the aneisthesia (dont know if i spelt that right),beginning a relationship with cristian, starting at ECU as a junior (and feeling like a freshman at first), wondering wondering wondering what is my calling in life (finance or medicine?), babysitting some wonderful kids for 9 months, having weird medical problems pop up this summer (never did figure out what was going on), going into my senior year of college and still not knowing what exactly i wanted to do when i "grow up", falling completely and totally in love with the man of my dreams, realizing that i'm not perfect and neither is anyone else, having three cats inside instead of 2, deciding to put izzy up for kitty adoption ( :( ), realizing that after all of these years yearning to be a doctor I have finally decided that with no shadow of a doubt that it's God's calling on my life, having the absolute bestfamily in the entire universe!!!, realizing that life isnt worth worrying and that I should totally and completely trust God with everything......This year has been awesome! I just want to be thankful for every little thing that has happened in this past year, both good and not so good. Because everything has a reason, and a season.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Love yall :)


natali said...

best post of yours, EVER. :)) Love you, twin sis!