Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I just cant wait that long!

My little chinese princess has been on my heart a LOT lately....this is so crazy, because i am only 21 and a half....i have to wait until i'm 30 to apply for adoption! I cant explain the feelings i have everyday just thinking about her...even though she isnt born yet. I cant begin to imagine the thoughts and burning desires in parents hearts that are already in the adoption process. I so deeply want to be in that place, but I know that God is having this be a LONG wait for a reason. I just have to trust in Him to guide me on my journey to her. It's so hard though, i see little chinese girls everywhere it seems now, and I just cant help but smile and say a prayer for them...tears are swelling up in my eyes right now. It's something deeper than just a desire, it's a passion of mine.

I will never forget the spring day in 2008 when God truly revealed to me with scripture that I was purposed to adopt...It was one of the most overwhelming feelings I've ever felt. I talk to my sister about adoption all the fact she has the passion that I do, except for Ethiopia. It's just absolutely beautiful when a stranger can love someone that they've never met and fall in love with God's plan before it even happens. That's what it is...God's plan...but I just have to be patient now and wait for it to unfold.


Katie said...

hi! i just came across your blog! i can totally relate to your feelings about adopting from China. The Lord put adoption on my heart several years ago. I'm only I have a while to go too. God is still in control and His timing is so perfect. Keep resting in that! :D