Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month!

It's finally here! This month is officially Endometriosis Awareness Month! It's hard to figure out how to raise awareness for this disease, so the first step is writing it up here. I really would like to share it with my friends and family, but it's a weird topic, you know? I LOVE to talk about endo and I think that can cause problems becuase I dont know when to stop...lol. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Visit more blogs, gather facts, and just share them to make people aware. You never know when one of those women you tell are going to go "wow, I have those symptoms, too."

Endometriosis: The Silent Life Sentence

Jeanne said...


I agree with Endochick. Over the 27 years I've had endo, I have found that talking about it allows me to connect with fellow patients that I would not have connected with had I not spoken up!

It's true that friends and family can get "saturated" with the topic, as my dear husband puts it. That's why it's even MORE important to seek out fellow patients who "get it" and want to talk about it as much as you do! :)

I also agree with Endochick that reading other endo blogs is very important.

We have SO many activities going on for Endometriosis Awareness Month that I have to remind myself to sleep and eat!

Seriously, there are so many things we can do to get the word out, it's hard to keep up!!

I'm not sure if you're on twitter but we're doing a lot of PR there. (A tweet from art4endo about your blog post is what brought me here). :)

If you have twitter (or even if you don't), be sure to watch my first 2 videos (just look in my sidebar where I placed a special link).

The 1st one focuses on our letter-writing campaign to a major magazine publisher and the 2nd one talks also about using #endo at the end of twitter messages.

The #endo messages are REALLY taking off. I generated the first #endo tweet when I made that video in late February and there are a whole slew of them now. It's catching on! :)

We even have #endo added into the twitter hashdictionary now.

So if you're stuck on HOW to raise awareness for endo, PLEASE visit my blog for ideas!

As far as ideas about where to draw the line talking about endo with family and friends... you'll know when they get sick of it.

At that point, you need to rely on your "endo sisters". There are PLENTY of us out here so don't ever bottle up your feelings because that's not healthy.

I would suggest just directing your comments to people in the mood to hear about them. :)

At least that's what I do!

I normally don't sign with my URL but I'm going to follow suit in this case to make it that much easier for you to find me.

Trust me... there's PLENTY we can do to generate endo awareness!! If you need ideas, come see me because I have too many ideas to possibly act upon all of them. Ideas to spare, so to speak. :)

Jeanne's Endo Blog

T n' W said...

Yes, I've been thinking about it this week. Maybe I'll do a post. I haven't touched on this in a long time.

BTW, a good blog to check out


T n' W said...

Oh my I just realized that you've already found this one. I love reading Jeanne's Blog.

Jeanne said...

T n' W,

Thank you for the kind words! I checked out your blog this morning and left you a comment there.

Thank you!!
